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7 SMS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

by | Sep 20, 2023

In the fast-paced world of marketing, SMS campaigns stand out as a direct and personal way to reach your audience. Yet, despite its potential, it’s alarmingly easy to trip over common pitfalls that can diminish the effectiveness of your messages. 

As we dive into the nuances of SMS marketing, it’s crucial to acknowledge that even the smallest missteps can lead to disappointing results. 

From the timing of your texts to the personal touches that make your audience feel valued, every detail matters. In this article, we’ll unveil seven SMS marketing mistakes that could be hindering your campaign’s success. 

By steering clear of these blunders, you can craft messages that resonate, engage, and convert. 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the vast SMS waters, these insights will help refine your strategy and ensure your messages hit the right note every time.

Common 7 SMS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the common SMS marketing mistakes that you should avoid to strengthen your relationship with your subscribers.

1. Neglecting to Test Different Message Formats

If you’re not testing different message formats, you’re likely missing out on key insights that could dramatically enhance your campaign’s performance. For instance: a simple A/B test could reveal whether your customers engage more with messages that include emojis or if they prefer plain text.

Imagine sending out two versions of a promotional message—one with a straightforward, “Get 20% off your next purchase,” and another with a more casual, “Hey there! Snag 20% off on your favorites, just for you 😊.” The responses can be telling.

According to a report by TechCrunch, A/B testing can lead to an increase in engagement by up to 300%. That’s a leap you can’t afford to ignore.

It’s not just about the wording either. Have you considered the impact of including images or videos (MMS) versus plain SMS? Or how the structure of your message, like the placement of your call-to-action, can make or break the user’s decision to click?

By neglecting to test these elements, you’re essentially flying blind, without a clear understanding of what resonates with your audience.

In your future campaigns, implement A/B testing protocols. Analyze the open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. Let the data guide your hand. This is not about guessing what might work; it’s about knowing what does.

2. Ignoring Message Timing Across Time Zones

Timing is everything, and when it comes to SMS marketing, it’s not just about the what but also the when. If you’re not considering time zones when sending messages, you’re at risk of your well-crafted texts landing with a thud—or worse, waking someone up.

Let’s say you’re based in New York and you schedule a promotional text for 3 PM EST. That’s a reasonable hour, right? But if you’re reaching out to customers in California, they’re getting buzzed at noon—right in the middle of their workday or lunch break. And for those in Hawaii, it’s a jarring 9 AM wakeup call. This isn’t just inconvenient for them; it’s potentially damaging to your brand’s reputation.

The solution here is straightforward, but it requires diligence. Segment your contact lists by time zone and schedule messages accordingly. Utilize SMS marketing tools that offer scheduling features to ensure your message arrives at a time that’s considerate and effective. 

A single message sent at the right time can strengthen customer relationships, while one sent at the wrong time can fray those ties. It’s a simple yet critical adjustment that can significantly boost the success rate of your SMS marketing efforts.

3. Failing to Segment Based on Customer Behavior

One-size-fits-all messages are a thing of the past and can lead to subpar engagement rates and a lack of personalization that today’s consumers crave.

For Example: you send the same SMS to a first-time buyer and a loyal repeat customer. The first-time buyer might be looking for introductory offers, while the loyal customer could be more interested in a loyalty discount or an exclusive sneak peek at a new product. By not distinguishing between these two, you’re potentially alienating both.

Segmentation is the bread and butter of targeted marketing. Dive into your customer data. Who are your repeat buyers? Who are the ones who’ve abandoned their carts? Who are the ones who click through but don’t convert? These behaviors are like breadcrumbs leading you to a more personalized approach.

Smart segmentation allows you to tailor your messages to fit the behavior and preferences of each customer group. The result? Higher conversion rates, a more engaged customer base, and an SMS marketing strategy that delivers messages as unique as the customers you’re targeting.

4. Sending Too Many Messages

Bombarding your subscribers with SMS messages is a surefire way to see your opt-out rates climb. 

Each message you send should offer value, not just fill space in an inbox. Striking the right balance is key. You want to keep your audience informed and engaged, but not to the point of annoyance.

Before you hit send, ask yourself, “Is this message necessary? What will my customer gain from it?” If the answer isn’t compelling, reconsider sending it.

Create a content calendar for your SMS campaigns just as you would for social media. Plan your messages strategically around key dates or events, and always leave room for the unexpected. This ensures you have a well-thought-out approach to communication that respects the customer’s space and time.

5. Neglecting to Update Contact Information

Maintaining an updated contact list is the cornerstone of an effective SMS marketing strategy. If you’re not regularly refreshing your contact information, you’re likely shooting messages into the void, wasting resources, and potentially harming your sender reputation.

Think about it: when was the last time you scrubbed your contact list? People change numbers, switch carriers, or opt-out. 

To keep your list updated, implement a routine clean-up process. Use engagement metrics as a guide. Are there numbers that consistently yield no response? It’s time to verify them. Many SMS marketing platforms offer tools to help you validate numbers and keep your list as current as possible.

Make it easy for customers to update their contact details. For example, include a simple “Update your contact info” link in messages or on your website. This not only ensures your messages find their intended recipient but also reinforces the notion that you respect and value your customers’ time and preferences.

6. Failing to Provide Clear Opt-In Instructions

Clear opt-in instructions are not just a legal requirement; they’re a sign of transparency and respect for customer autonomy. If you fail to provide crystal-clear opt-in instructions, you risk more than just a hefty fine; you jeopardize customer trust, which is the bedrock of any successful marketing strategy.

Imagine you’re at the receiving end. You find an SMS in your inbox from a brand you don’t recall subscribing to. Confusion and irritation are likely your first responses, not engagement or a sale. That’s the customer experience you create when you skip over clear opt-in protocols.

Your opt-in message should be concise and unmistakable. Tell your customers exactly what they’re signing up for, how often they’ll hear from you, and, crucially, how they can opt out if they choose to. 

Clear opt-in instructions don’t just comply with legal standards—they build the foundation for a trusting relationship with your subscribers. And a subscriber who trusts you is one step closer to becoming a loyal customer.

7. Not Having a Clear Call to Action

A clear call to action is one of the essential elements of a successful SMS marketing campaign. But unfortunately, many campaigns fail to include a call to action. You are less likely to get people clicking through to your website or making a purchase without a call to action. 

Furthermore, lacking a call to action can make your marketing campaign unfocused and directionless. On the other hand, a well-crafted call to action can be highly effective in driving conversions and achieving your marketing goals. When crafting your call to action, keep it concise and direct. 

Also, ensure that it is relevant to your target audience and aligns with your overall marketing strategy. If you want your SMS marketing campaign to succeed, include a strong call to action. Otherwise, you may lose potential customers.


While SMS marketing can be an effective tool for engaging customers, it’s important to steer clear of spammy or unsolicited messages that could negatively impact your brand. By learning from these common mistakes, you can craft permission-based SMS campaigns that provide value to your recipients and strengthen customer relationships over time. Staying focused on the needs of your audience will help ensure your mobile strategy is a success.


Is SMS marketing suitable for B2B businesses?

Yes, SMS can work for B2B by sending valuable info to opted-in clients about new products, updates, training sessions, and more on their mobile devices.

What measures can be taken to prevent SMS marketing messages from being marked as spam?

Only send to opt-ins, identify your business clearly, include easy opt-out options, and don’t spam recipients with too many unsolicited texts.

Can SMS marketing be used for promoting time-sensitive offers or events?

Yes, SMS is well-suited for alerts about limited-time deals, last-minute webinars, or reminders for upcoming appointments/meetings due to its high open and response rates.

Harish Thyagarajan

Harish Thyagarajan

Content Marketer